'BMUET(TE) | SPRING SUMMER 2022 l Seoul Fashion Week'

09:12 Jul 10, 2022
'BMUET(TE) SPRING SUMMER 2022 DIGITAL RUNWAY LONDON FASHION WEEK  서울패션위크의 텐소울 BMUET(TE) (@bmuette ) 2022 봄 여름 시즌 디지털 런웨이를 런던 패션위크에서 공개합니다.  \"SURPLUS REALITY\" 남아있는 현실. 즉, 잉여 현실.  일상의 경험을 새로운 관점으로 바라보며  인종, 성별, 나이 등 현실적 자아에서 벗어나  실제하지 않는 자아와 개성을 만나볼 수 있는 몽환적 일탈을 표현한다.  SURPLUS REALITY It involves new reality from the perspective that is above and beyond what is normally expressed in life and the situation to escape usual rules and constraints. Instead of stepping into a familiar world, we take one step directly into new experience that can never be created, boring and routine. Irrespective of the race, social standing and pre-conceived idea, we just convey the subjective narrative from the surplus reality.  BMUET(TE) 2022 SPRING SUMMER  DIGITAL RUNWAY “SURPLUS REALITY” LONDON FASHION WEEK  #SFW22SS #bmuette #비뮈에트 #Londonfasionweek  #surplusreality  #2022SS #seoulfashionweek  #서울패션위크 #sfw #서울컬렉션 #런던패션위크 #digitalrunway' 

Tags: fashion , runway , Fashionshow , seoul , 패션 , 패션쇼 , 서울 , fashionfilm , 디지털런웨이 , 패션필름 , 런웨이 , 런던패션위크 , Digitalrunway , fahsionshow

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